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Gorillaz Wiki

The Machine Bitez #18 is the eighteenth and final entry of Gorillaz' short interludes series "Machine Bitez" from the Song Machine web series, and the third track on "The Valley of the Pagans" episode.




2-D: Do you like driving in L.A., Noodle?

Noodle: Driving down route 101 during rush hour is harder than some of the deadliest battles I've been in.

2-D: Then you've been in loads of those? Deadly battles, not traffic jams.

[Speed up effect]

2-D: Did you ever trace your family tree?

Murdoc: Yeah I did, I did a thorough one.

2-D: Where did it go back to?

Murdoc: Ohhh, back to the Tudors. I was um, related to a Tudor bishop, Bishop Murdoc. So, Tudor times, if you could imagine, take yourself back --

Russel: Yeah.

Yeah. 2-D: Yeah, I'm picturing it.

Murdoc: --down the alleyway, the alleyways of old London Town. People emptying buckets out of windows.

Russel: That, that sounds like L.A.

